Saturday, 6 November 2010

Birthday Party

At a birthday party,
Everyone plays happily,
Happy faces all around,
All frowns are turned upside down.

Bright and colourful,
Decorations are wonderful,
Every one is happy,
No one is angry.


This Colour and That Colour

Blue, white and black,
All these colours,
This and that.

Green, yellow and blue,
Lovely colours,
Do they describe you?

Purple, red and brown,
A lovely variety,
But I hope they don’t make you frown.

Colours, colours everywhere,
What would we do without them,
It would be a nightmare.


Saturday, 30 October 2010

Jaqueline Wilson

Have you read Tracy Beaker, a short novel about a young girl living in a care home? Ever wondered how the terrific author developed the wonderful story? The amazing book was written by Jacqueline Wilson, who was born in Bath, Somerset but spent her childhood in Kingston. This is her story.

17th December 1945. That day was so special but no-one knew it at the time. On the special date an extraordinary, unique writer was born. Jacqueline, now sixty-five, always wanted to be a novelist.

Ms Wilson has written eighty-three published books. She has inspired children all over the world with her tales. Her popular series Tracy Beaker, which has been translated into over thirty different languages, is about a little kid whose Mum has sent her to the Dumping Ground (a foster home.) Tracy longs to be fostered, but she has behaviour problems and nobody wants her. So, how did the name Tracy Beaker even come into her mind? As the super novelist was scanning her newspaper she saw an advert on the side persuading people to foster small youngsters. Jacqueline wanted to write a story about it and she did but how was the name decided? Well, Jacqueline knew that Tracy was going to be the name of the cheeky character as she thought it made the personality of the imaginary person naughty, bold and mischievous. The only problem was the surname. So while the author was in the bathroom, she was saying to herself,
“Tracy Bath, no, Tracy Tap, no, Tracy Tracy, Tracy Beaker. That’s it Tracy Beaker!”
So that’s how the national book was made. It took Ms Wilson three to six months to produce the book. Now there are two others books that continue the story and a TV programme which has six series now. Many other books by this great author have been written in similar ways.

Children and adults are inspired by the incredible dame. She has her own official fan club online. On the website she writes a newsletter to all her fans and answers most of their questions. Her aim is to write one hundred books. I think she can do it, what do you think?

My Mum

My mum,
Doesn't like me to suck my thumb,
She doesn’t understand,
How much I love my hand,
My mum.

My mum,
Never buys me gum,
She buys me other stuff,
Like earmuffs,
My mum.

My mum,
She is awesome,
Although she doesn’t like me to bite my nails,
I try to stop but I just fail,
My mum.

Mum, mum what would I do?
If I didn’t have you.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

My Sister

My sister is,
Very annoying,
Also very irritating,
Sometimes she is kind, but,
She always says what is on her mind,
My sister.

My sister does,
The gardening, and,
She still manages to be pestering,
She plays with me so I never feel lonely,
My sister.

My sister loves,
To eat,
And enjoys a treat,
She loves music, and,
Says there is nothing bad about it,
My sister.


Saturday, 31 July 2010

My Cat

Today I am staring at my pet cat,
She’s just laying there on my mat,
I give her a pat,
While she stays there looking slightly fat.

She eats a lot,
From the food we put in her pot,
Oops I have forgot,
She is now trying to break my sisters cot.

I think this poem has to come to an end,
As my cat has turned a bend,
And the cot needs a mend.


Saturday, 8 May 2010

Lucy Gets Bullied

Lucy is upset. Bullies at her primary school are making her life a misery and she doesn't know why they are doing it. She wants it to stop and she doesn't know what to do. As soon as she walks into the classroom, people call out,
"Here comes the clever girl."
"Have you been doing your equations Lucy?"
The bullies are in her class so they always watch her. She can't help being inteligent though.

One day, the person that was being bullied thought that this time it was going to stop. So when she came to school the next day she ignored the rude comments, and just sat down. When it was playtime she was going to strike. The morning went slowly and Hannah couldn't concentrate in her lessons but finally playtime came. As usual the bullies rounded up on her and called her names but Lucy said,
"Why are you doing this to me? You wouldn't like it if someone did it to you, so think about it. Is it really worth it?"
The horrible people thought about it. Hannah was right.

Now a month later, the girl that was bullied has friends, best friends, and she doesn't ever worry about school.


Sunday, 25 April 2010

The Railway Children: Reveiw

When father is taken away unexpectedly, Roberta, Peter, Phyllis and their mother have to leave their wonderful life in London to go and live in a tiny cottage in the country. The children in the nearby railway station, make friends with Perks the Porter and the Station Master himself. Each day Roberta, Peter and Phyllis run down the field to the railway track and wave at the passing London train, sending their love to father. Little do they know that the kindly old gentleman passenger who waves back holds the key to their father's disappearance.

I would reccommemd this book to 10 year olds and over. The book is quite older so younger children may find it slightly unentertaining. I really enjoyed this book as I always wanted to know what was going to happen next.


Saturday, 13 March 2010

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was born on 29th August 1958, in Gary, Indiana. He influenced lots of people, this includes the Jonas Brothers, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake and many more. Lots of people admired his songs and became fans. He expressed his feelings through his music. Michael Jackson was talented in many ways.

So, what did he do to change people? When Michael got a disease called "Vitiligo," he started to get patches of white over his skin. These started to get bigger and eventually went all over his skin. He caught the disease in 1984 and it had got all over his skin in 1987. Then his skin got paler in 1995. This didn't stop the popstar from doing his favourite thing, singing. He still sung and made new songs and kept on dancing. This made people think that it doesn't matter what colour your skin is, it's whats inside that counts.

Unfourunetly on 25th June 2009 the King of Pop died. Jackson was only 50 years old when he died. Some people say he is a good example to people who judge others by their skin.

Also he gave a lot of money to charity and made the "Heal the World Foundation." He encouraged his freinds and fans to contribute with charities in the songs, "We are the World," "Earth Song" and "Heal the World." This was a popstar with a difference.


The Beak Speaks By Jeremy Strong (Review)

Dinah the Mynah is hopping mad. She trys to tell her owners that they are in danger, but humans never listen to birds, do they? They've been completely taken by the beutiful Divine, and evil women with a horrible plan. Then a chimpanzee comes down the chimney!

This book was awarded a Children's Book Award. It's a brilliant book wich really shows the feelings of Dinah. I would recomend this book to children in the range of 9 - 11 years old.


Saturday, 23 January 2010

The Dare Game by Jaqueline Wilson (Review)

I enjoyed this book a lot. It is about a young girl named Tracy Beaker. She wishes that she will live happily ever after with her foster-mum, Cam. But Cam and Tracy had a squabble and she doesn't know if she wants to be with her foster-mum anymore. So she dicided to bunk off school and find somewhere else to live. It really shows you how I child in care would feel. You go through all of Tracy's feelings and all her problems. I would reccomend this book to children aged 9+.


Thursday, 21 January 2010

The Sea

The Sea,
Everyone plays happily,
Just like a big family,
The sea.

The Sea,
Some would preferr a cup of tea,
With a joke maybe,
The sea.

The Sea,
It is beautiful to see,
Now it is calling me,
The sea.
